Monday, 21 December 2015

Jayden's Masterpiece!!

Here in 2nd Class, we have a very talented friend (Jayden) who kindy made a scrumptious ginger bread house! We hate to have to eat it......but it just looks too yummy!!!! Thanks Jayden!! :) 

Monday, 14 December 2015

Christmas preparations in 2nd Class

We are definitely getting into the Christmas spirit in 2nd class with our elves and magic reindeer food!! We are SUPER excited for the holidays!

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

2nd Class-Science

This week in 2nd class, we investigated materials which are opaque and those which are transparent. We used torches to experiment with each material such as tin foil, black card, white card and cling. We examined if each material blocked the light (opaque) or let the light through (transparent). We darkened our classroom as much as we could! We then experimented with shadows and investigated how to make shadows bigger and smaller!

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Halloween Experiments-2nd Class

Just before Halloween, 2nd Class did some spooky experiments with pumpkins! We carved out the pumpkins and added water, food colouring and baking soda. We then brought the pumpkins out to the yard and added vinegar to the mix! This is what happened....

Friday, 13 November 2015

Butterflies in 2nd Class

Our butterflies finally emerged from their chrysalises just before the Halloween break. We watched them learn how to fly and fed them fresh flowers before we set them free in the yard!

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

5th Class-Writing

We shared some of our wonderful narrative writing with second class!

Monday, 9 November 2015

Science-2nd Class

Last week in 2nd class we were learning about mixing materials. As part of this, we used many different ingredients to make our very own play dough! By following a set of instructions step by step and by using ingredients such as flour, oil, water, food colouring, salt and cornflour, we created play dough which we then got to play with before bringing home. We had lots of fun getting really messy!!! 

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Science-2nd Class

We absolutely love science here in 2nd class. 2 weeks ago we studied static electricity and used combs to move paper without touching it and we also bent running water using the combs too. It was like magic!!                          

This week, we were learning about Autumn. We learned that in Autumn, some birds migrate to warmer countries. The birds that stay here find it difficult to find food so we made our own bird feeders! Using toilet roll holders, peanut butter and bird seeds, we worked together to make the feeders which we then hung in the school garden! Hopefully the birds find them yummy!!